Can't Send or Receive Crypto in Coinbase Wallet? Here's the Fix!

Fixing Send and Receive Crypto Issue in Coinbase Wallet

Facing trouble sending or receiving crypto in your Coinbase Wallet? Don't worry, here's a concise guide to get you back on track:

Quick Fixes:

  • Connectivity: Is your internet stable? Try switching to Wi-Fi or mobile data.
  • Restart: A simple restart of your device and the Coinbase Wallet app might do the trick.
  • Updates: Ensure you're using the latest app version to avoid bugs and compatibility issues.
  • Verification: Complete all required account verifications within Coinbase Wallet.
  • Network Fees: Double-check you have enough funds to cover network transaction fees.
  • Address Check: Carefully verify the recipient's wallet address to avoid lost funds.

Sending Issues:

  • Network: Send on the correct network supported by both wallets. Mixing networks can cause problems.
  • Restrictions: Rarely, Coinbase Wallet might temporarily restrict sending for security reasons. Check with their support.

Receiving Issues:

  • Visibility: Make sure your wallet address is publicly accessible for others to send to.
  • Confirmation: Transactions take time for the network to confirm. Be patient!

Advanced Troubleshooting:

  • Clear App Data (Android): Go to Settings > Apps > Coinbase Wallet > Storage > Clear Cache & Clear Data (remember, this logs you out).
  • Reinstall App: If all else fails, reinstall the app to clear any local data causing issues.
  • Coinbase Support: Need further assistance? Contact their support team for specific guidance.

Bonus Tip: 

Share the specific error message you encounter or the cryptocurrency you're dealing with for even more targeted help!


Careful checking and a bit of patience are key in crypto transactions. This guide should help you resume sending and receiving with ease!


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